Jai Hind Independence Cachet from Japan
In 1947, as Independence dawned upon India as well as Pakistan, Indian forces were stationed in Japan as part of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force (BCOF). A philatelist cum Army Postal Service officer stationed there at that time was the late Brigadier Virk who created the most elusive section of Jai Hind Philately, the Jai Hind Independence Cachet. The most comprehensive article on this subject was authored by Ashish Talwar and can be found in the Jai Hind Philately Research Section of this website.
Indian Independence Cachet Shanghai to India

Indian Independence Cachet Shanghai to India
Indian Independence Cachet on cover posted from Shanghai to Japan. By 15 August 1947, most Indian forces had returned home. Delivery was tried at various FPOs until the cover was finally redirected to Avadi, India.
(Courtesy Mr. Sunil Ranasaria)

Indian Independence Cachet on cover posted from Shanghai to Japan. By 15 August 1947, most Indian forces had returned home. Delivery was tried at various FPOs until the cover was finally redirected to Avadi, India.
(Courtesy Mr. Sunil Ranasaria)
Indian Independence Cachet FPO 112 Cover

Indian Independence Cachet FPO 112 Cover
Indian Independence Cachet on 15 August 1947 cover from FPO 112 then located at Yonago in Japan.
(Courtesy Mr. Rajesh Mittal)

Indian Independence Cachet on 15 August 1947 cover from FPO 112 then located at Yonago in Japan.
(Courtesy Mr. Rajesh Mittal)
Indian Independence Cachet Crash Cover

Indian Independence Cachet Crash Cover
Indian Independence cachet from Japan on Crash Cover. The only recorded example of this Cachet on a Crash cover posted from FPO 653 then in Tokyo. Bound for UK, it was carried on BOAC flying boat G-AHZB, named the Portland which crashed in Bahrain Marine Base.Cachet of ‘Damaged by Sea Water’ was applied on the front of the cover.
(From Talwar Collection)

Indian Independence cachet from Japan on Crash Cover. The only recorded example of this Cachet on a Crash cover posted from FPO 653 then in Tokyo. Bound for UK, it was carried on BOAC flying boat G-AHZB, named the Portland which crashed in Bahrain Marine Base.Cachet of ‘Damaged by Sea Water’ was applied on the front of the cover.